Card scanning
You can scan plain plastic cards and embossed cards* (e.g., credit cards) alike, and even scan mixed document batches that contain both cards and paper documents. * Up to three plain cards can be scanned at one time. Embossed cards must be scanned one at a time.
Convenient scanning options
Thanks to the U-Turn path, you can feed and eject documents from the front of the scanner. Use the straight path to scan cards, thick documents or fragile documents without bending them.
Easily maintained
Everything can be accessed from the front of the scanner through the wide opening panels. Consumables such as the feed roller and retard roller are easy to replace.
Impressively small body
The imageFORMULA DR-M140’s slim design is unintrusive, fitting into narrow spaces and counter tops, or easily store it in a drawer when not in use.
Smart colour detection
The Automatic Colour Detection feature automatically identifies whether a document should be saved in colour, greyscale or B&W, so you no longer have to separate documents by type.
Versatile document feed
The clever separation mechanism allows you to scan a different document sizes and weights at the same time, while the Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection sorts out misfeeds.